Our school – SZÁMALK-Salesian Post-Secondary Technical School – is maintained by SZIF (Salesian Institution Management), which manages and coordinates all the schools of the Hungarian Salesian Province.
The founder of the Salesian order was Saint Jon Bosco, popularly known as Don Bosco (1815-1888), who was canonized by the Catholic Church in 1934. He named his order after Saint Francis de Sales, whom he greatly admired. The Catholic order of monks founded in Turin in 1859 received papal approval in 1874.
The purpose of the Don Bosco Salesian Society is to serve, teach and educate the youth according to Don Bosco’s instructions with great love and patience, on a high professional level and in a joyful atmosphere. We are determined and willing to raise good citizens and good Christians, to provide faith and a purpose in life, and to provide community for all young people.
Today, the Salesians pursue their effective educational and social care mission all over the world. In their thousands of institutes, more than 15,000 monks care for and educate hundreds of thousands of young people.
Currently there are Hungarian Salesian monasteries in Óbuda, Újpest, Rákospalota, Balassagyarmat, Péliföldszentkereszt, Kazincbarcika and Szombathely. The Hungarian province has public education institutions in Kelenföld, Óbuda, Kazincbarcika and Nyergesújfalu, our higher and public education dormitories are located in Óbuda and Kazincbarcika.
We have Salesian oratories in Óbuda, Újpest, Nyergesújfalu, Balassagyarmat, Kazincbarcika, Szombathely and Pécs.
The foundation date of the Szent István Király (King Saint Stephen) Hungarian Salesian Province: 12/01/1929.
Provincial headquarters: Budapest – Óbuda, Salesianum.
Website: www.szaleziak.hu
E-mail: szaleziak@gmail.com
Head of province: P. Andrásfalvy János SDB
Provincial vicar: P. Vitális Gábor SDB
Economus: P. Depaula Flavio SDB
Head of Pedagogy, SZIF (Salesian Institution Management): Koblencz Attila
Salesian Institution Management: http://szaleziiskolak.hu/